These terms tell you who we are, how we will provide products to you, how you and we may change or end the Contract, what to do if there is a problem and other important information. If you think that there is a mistake in these terms please contact us to discuss.

You can contact us by writing or telephoning to our team :
◊ via our website : https://www.caumont-interiors.com/contact/
◊ by email : bruno [a] caumont-interiors.com
◊ by whatsapp : +84 I28 6I2 O4 I3

Are you a private buyer (Consumer) or professional buyer (Business Buyer) ?
In some areas you will have different rights under these terms depending on whether you are a business or a consumer.


These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (“GTCS”) apply to all sales of carpets and rugs marketed under the brand CAUMONT INTERIORS (the “Products”) by ISAMBART XV Pte Ltd, a Singapore exempt Private Company Limited by shares, registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA), under number 202005112Z, whose registered office is located at 160 Robinson road, #14-04, Singapore 068914 (us, the “Seller”) to Consumer and Business Buyer (you, the “Buyer”).
Prior to any order, the General Terms and Conditions of Sale have been made available to the Buyer, who has read them. The Buyer has been duly informed and acknowledges having read and accepted these GTCS without reservation.


1.1. All offers and sales made by the Seller, unless otherwise stipulated or expressly accepted by the duly authorised officer of the Seller, are subject to the GTCS, notwithstanding any conditions to the contrary on the part of the Buyer. The GTCS are also made available to the Buyer on our website ( www.caumont-interiors.com ) as well as with the email confirming his/her order.

1.2. Any order, unless derogation accepted by the Seller as indicated above, necessarily entails, as a substantial and determining condition, the unreserved acceptance of the GTCS by the Buyer, who declares that he/she is fully aware of them, and fully understood its content.


2.1. Orders are placed on the www.caumont-interiors.com website (the “Site”), in person or by email during appointments for decorating assignments.

2.2. On the Site, the Buyer follows the various stages of ordering scrolling through the Site, namely the choice of collection and/or carpet model described by photos and the description of the products in terms of quality, sizes, place of manufacture, delivery terms and conditions as well as the general terms and conditions of sale, as well as the selection of the item(s) chosen via the “the eSHOP” section, the choice of size and quantity, adding each item to the shopping cart (“Add to cart”) – in the case of a multiple order, all items are automatically grouped together and listed in the “shopping cart” – then, after the checkout (“check out”), Buyer identification and delivery information via the “My order” section, then, after the order has been summarised in figures, acceptance of the general terms and conditions, then the payment terms via the “payment” section.

The Buyer’s attention is particularly drawn to the method of acceptance of the order placed on the Site. When the Buyer places his/her order, he/she must confirm it using the “double-click” technique, i.e. after selecting the products added to the basket, the Buyer must check and, if necessary, correct the contents of his/her basket (identification, quantity of products selected, price, delivery terms and charges, etc.) before validating it by clicking on “validate my delivery” (“place order”), then he/she acknowledges acceptance of these GTC, and finally he/she validates his/her order after filling in his/her bank details.

The “double click” constitutes an “electronic signature” and is equivalent to a handwritten signature. It constitutes irrevocable and unreserved official order by the Buyer. In the absence of proof to the contrary, the data recorded by our Site constitutes proof of all transactions between us and our Buyers.

2.3. Contractual information relating to the order (including in particular the order number) is confirmed by e-mail. The information provided by the Customer when placing the order (in particular the name and delivery address) is binding on the Customer. Therefore, the Seller cannot be held liable in the event that an error made when placing the order prevents or delays the delivery of the Product. We strongly advise the Buyer to print and/or archive this e-mail on a reliable and durable medium as proof.

ARTICLE 3. Cancellation – Change of order

3.1. Any order placed by the Buyer is considered to be an offer to purchase and is subject to our acceptance. We reserve the right to refuse any order for legitimate reasons such as the unavailability of products or failure to comply with the general conditions of sale. Should it be the case, we shall of course inform you as soon as possible and do our best efforts to find a solution.
If you wish to make a change to the product you have ordered, please contact us.

3.2. Changes in size, quality, design and/or colour may be accepted depending on the progress of production, and provided that the manufacturer agrees, but may incur costs.

3.3. Since our Products are made to order especially for you based on your request, the “14-days withdrawal without reason nor penalty” applicable in some countries, does not apply here.

3.4. The Buyer may however exercise his right of withdrawal by sending a written request by email at bruno@caumontinteriors.com .

For any cancelled order, a deposit of 50% of the total amount remains due and is non-refundable as long as the production has been started, a certain quantity of wool has been purchased and dyed according to your rug’s chosen colours, and the workers are expecting payment.


4.1. The prices charged are those in force on the day the order is placed.

4.2. The Seller reserves the right to modify its prices at any time but undertakes to apply the prices in force when the order is placed.

4.3. Prices are inclusive of applicable taxes if any, such as GST/VAT, calculated at the rate in force on the day of the order, including packaging, importation and delivery in your country based on our experience in usual conditions.

Notwithstanding the provisions above, the Buyer is informed that, as the products purchased come from abroad, it is possible that additional taxes and costs in relation with importation and delivery specifics, which may arise between the confirmation of the order and delivery without being able to be anticipated, may apply and be payable. The Seller undertakes to use its best endeavours to include these in the starting price as soon as possible, but the Buyer is aware that all charges and taxes payable in respect of the purchase of products cannot always be anticipated and accepts this principle.

4.4 The prices of carpets and rugs do not include delivery onsite and installation costs (labour and materials), which are specified separately when the order is placed.

ARTICLE 5. Payment

5.1. Orders are paid cash on the day the order is placed.

Depending on the total price, the payment may be made in two instalments: one when the order is placed, the second after the Product has been produced and before it is dispatched.

5.2. Payment is usually made by credit card via a payment platform (Stripe) on our Site’s eSHOP, or by bank transfer.

The order will only be considered accepted by us as Seller once the relevant bank payment centres have given their approval. In the event of acceptance of the file by the payment and client centres, the Customer will be informed by receiving confirmation of the order by e-mail; If the payment is not validated by the bank payment centres, the order will be automatically refused, and the Customer will also be informed.

5.3. All goods and accessories delivered or collected remain the property of the Seller until full payment has been received in principal and in accessories, including in the case of cheques or any other means of payment. The Buyer therefore undertakes not to transfer the goods until full payment has been received and to ensure that they are well preserved.

In this respect, if the Business Buyer is the subject of receivership or liquidation proceedings, the Seller reserves the right to reclaim, as part of the receivership proceedings, the goods sold and remaining unpaid.

ARTICLE 6. Transport and Delivery

6.1. The Seller offers different delivery methods depending on the nature of the Product and the location of the customer

6.2. The goods sold may be taken away or delivered. They are said to be “taken away” when the Buyer personally arranges for their transport.

6.3. Delivery is made :

– either by direct delivery of the goods to the Buyer ;
– or by sending a notice to the Buyer that the goods are available in the shop;
– or by depositing the goods at the place indicated by the Buyer on the order form.

Such basic delivery are made to the threshold of the establishment and/or to the ground floor ; it does not include installation or commissioning.

6.4. When the order is placed, the Seller will have indicated the expected delivery date which varies depending on the size of the Product and the complexity of the design, as well as on external objective causes such as shortage of materials, labour or looms, which shall be notified at the time of ordering. In case of urgency, a shorter delivery time can be discussed with the manufacturer, including any extra charges.

The delivery time indicated when the order is placed is given as an indication but cannot be guaranteed.

Consequently, any reasonable delay in the delivery of products shall not give rise to the Buyer being entitled to nor the award of damages nor cancellation of the order. 

In addition, in the event that delivery is prevented or delayed as a result of force majeure or any other cause beyond the Seller’s total or partial control, including but not limited to strikes by the Seller or its suppliers, transporters, lack of supplies, accidents, regulatory or administrative difficulties, continuous rain, extreme temperatures, natural disasters etc., delivery times will be extended accordingly.

6.5. Any unexpected event, beyond our control and responsibility, which results in a delay in delivery, shall not in any way lead to the cancellation of an order or the demand for special conditions relating to the delivery or the agreed price, nor shall it hold us liable for any loss or damage. In such cases, we are committed to keeping you informed regularly of the situation.

6.6. In the event of installation at the Buyer’s/Final client’s premises, the following shall be communicated at the time of ordering: the address and floor, the presence or absence of a usable lift, the possibility of obtaining local assistance and the telephone number of a person in charge. The estimated cost shall be indicated on the order confirmation. Additional costs shall also be charged for unforeseen circumstances.

The Buyer’s attention is drawn to the fact that it is the Buyer’s responsibility to assess the feasibility of the delivery and deposit, i.e. the place of delivery must be easily accessible and compatible with the reception of the Product (dimensions of doors, stairs). It is also the Customer’s responsibility to indicate any special access requirements (lift, access code, etc.) when placing the order. In addition, installation can only be carried out if the space has been cleared beforehand. In the event of apparent defects, the Customer is invited to have these noted in writing by the seller or the delivery person at the time of delivery or installation.

ARTICLE 7. Reservation of title and transfer of risk clause

The transport risk is borne entirely by the Buyer.

The transfer of risks and legal custody takes place when the Buyer or a third party designated by the Buyer, other than the Seller’s carrier, takes physical possession of the products.

ARTICLE 8. Tolerances – Guarantee

8.1. All the Seller’s products are manufactured under close supervision but are subject to minor variation in their production. The Seller will make every effort to ensure that the Products conform in all respects to the essential characteristics stated in the order; However, it is possible that, by their very nature and due to the handcraft techniques and natural materials used, the Products delivered may contain slight differences in weave, colour or pattern. All rug & carpet textures will vary in shade depending on the wool quality, carpet sizes quoted are approximate; Therefore, differences in colour or shade, within manufacturing tolerances, may occur between the sample and the actual product. All such differences, which generally remain minor and which by definition are beyond the control of the handmade manufacturing process and therefore of the Seller, shall not give rise to any liability on the part of the Seller for any breach of its obligation to provide pre-contractual information and/or to perform the contract properly and shall not, on any grounds whatsoever and subject to applicable law, justify any cancellation of the order or return of the Products ordered.

8.2. Carpets and rugs will usually have a few threads that “stick out”. This is not a manufacturing defect. Such threads should be cut at the surface and not pulled.

8.3. The Seller’s guarantee applies to Products installed in accordance with the Carpet and Rug Institute (“CRI” – https://carpet-rug.org/resources/installation-standards/) carpet installation standards and the Seller’s installation instructions given to the Buyer on delivery. It does not cover damage resulting nor from improper installation nor from maintenance or cleaning practices contrary to good practices by the Buyer or a person instructed by the Buyer to install the carpet, including, but not limited to, moisture damage caused by an inadequate dirt-repellent carpet.

The Buyer is invited to consult the Seller for advice on the appropriate precautions for its Product.

8.4. The Seller’s guarantee applies to Products subject to normal conditions of use in a domestic use.

It does not cover normal wear and tear and does not cover damage caused by unusual use and events, such as, but not limited to, public or sporting use, repeated wear and tear or crushing due to wheelchairs, or flooding. Nor does it apply to damage caused by heavy-duty foot traffic, resulting in wear and tear, particularly but not exclusively, on stairs or at entrances.

Our rugs as sold online on our eSHOP’s Site are for a domestic use.

Should you need specific quality for heavy duty, please contact us upfront to elaborate bespoke specifications and manufacture a rug tailored to your particular needs.

If there is a problem with the Product, please tell us !

If you have any questions or complaints about the Products or installation services, please contact us as soon as possible. 

8.5. To be admissible, any complaint shall be submitted 15 (fifteen) days after delivery, supported by photographs. The Seller guarantees that the products are in conformity with their intended use, and do not have any defects or hidden faults making them unsuitable for their normal use. It is the responsibility of the Client to check the packaging before signing the carrier’s delivery note and to mention any damage.

If the Seller confirms that the goods are non-conforming or defective, it will, at its own expense, arrange for their repair or replacement as the case may be, within normal production and dispatch times.

In the event of repair or replacement, the transportation costs shall be borne by the Seller. If the goods have been installed at the end user’s premises, the method of collection and delivery, as well as the costs involved, are to be agreed. The returned goods shall be properly packaged.

ARTICLE 9. Exchange or return of goods

9.1. Sales of Products to Business Buyers are firm and final. No returns will be accepted.

9.2. Products cut to the Buyer’s measurements or made to order for the Buyer and products on sale or sold on special offer will not be taken back or exchanged.

ARTICLE 10. Non-waiver clause

The fact that the Seller does not invoke against the Buyer any of the specific clauses of the contract or of these GTCS shall not be interpreted as implying a tacit waiver of the benefit of the said clauses or conditions.

ARTICLE 11. Agreement of the parties

The information contained in the order confirmations and these GTCS constitute the entire agreement between the parties and supersede any other proposal and/or written or verbal agreement that may have been formulated and/or made previously, no other document having contractual value.

ARTICLE 12. Protection of personal data

Please note that personal data received and/or collected during your purchase is processed in compliance with our PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION POLICY available on our website.

12.1. In our capacity as data controller and as Sellers, we are required to collect a certain amount of nominative personal data from our Buyers.

12.2. This data is intended for ISAMBART XV’s internal services and the entities of the group using the brand CAUMONT INTERIORS (referred together as “CAUMONT INTERIORS”) and may be communicated to its service providers duly authorised or to any administrative or judicial authority that officially so requests. This data will only be used for commercial prospecting purposes on the part of CAUMONT INTERIORS and/or their partners with the express agreement of the Buyer.

12.3. The Buyer has a right of access, rectification, opposition and communication of the information and data held by CAUMONT INTERIORS. The Buyer also has the right to data portability, the right to limit processing, the right to define directives relating to the fate of his/her personal data after his/her death, the right to have his/her personal data transmitted in a structured format and the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. Rights that the Buyer may exercise by writing to the DPO (Personal Data Protection Officer) providing proof of his/her identity: by email (caroline@caumont-interiors.com) or by post to the following address: 160 Robinson road, #14-04, Singapore 068914.

12.4. This data will be kept for as long as is necessary for the sales contract and the application of the guarantees arising therefrom.

ARTICLE 13. Intellectual property

All samples and designs, and more specifically, all intellectual property rights relating to the Products, including drawings, designs, models, names, photos and trademarks, remain the property of the Seller and/or of Bruno de Caumont as the designer.

Each of the elements of the Website, in particular the texts, data and graphic elements (alone or as a composition) constitute works which are protected as such by intellectual property laws, in particular by copyright, designs and models and trademark law, and by international treaties, and must not under any circumstances be modified, reproduced, displayed, presented, distributed or used for public or commercial purposes.

Any person who downloads or collects information published on the Website has only a private, personal and non-transferable right of use. The information collected may only be reproduced on paper or digitally. Any use of the information collected must mention the source.

Protected works reproduced on the Website and not belonging to CAUMONT INTERIORS have been the subject of express prior authorisation for reproduction by the holder of the rights.

Any total or partial representation of the Website or of any of its component parts without the express authorisation of CAUMONT INTERIORS is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable under intellectual property law.

ARTICLE 14. Economic dependence

The Seller is particularly careful to ensure that the Business Buyer is not in a situation of economic dependence with regard to its activity. The Business Buyer therefore undertakes to seek, throughout the commercial relationship, solutions to avoid finding itself in a state of economic dependence on the Seller, in particular by increasing the number of its partners.


In the event of the occurrence of an event of force majeure, defined as any unforeseeable, irresistible event resulting from circumstances external to the Parties, which impedes or renders unreasonably onerous the performance of one or more of the Parties’ obligations, the time limits for the performance of the obligations are extended by the duration of the said events and must be performed spontaneously as soon as they cease.

The Party wishing to invoke an event of force majeure must immediately notify the other Party by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by any other means. If, as a result of an event of force majeure, the performance of the obligations of one of the Parties becomes impossible within a reasonable period of time, each of the Parties has the right to withdraw from the Contract by simple written notification without having to apply to a court for termination.

ARTICLE 16. Applicable law – Dispute resolution – Mediation

16.1. For any dispute relating to the formation and/or performance of a sales contract or the payment of the price, as well as to the interpretation or non-performance of the clauses and conditions mentioned above, the Parties undertake to negotiate an amicable agreement in a spirit of loyalty and good faith.

16.2. In the event of a dispute, the consumer Buyer is invited to contact us, the Seller, as a matter of priority by email (caroline@caumont-interiors.com) or by post to the following address: 160 Robinson road, #14-04, Singapore 068914.

We inform you of the possibility offered to any Buyer of CAUMONT INTERIORS who is a consumer, to have recourse to a consumer mediator in the event of a dispute or disagreement concerning our products and services. You will find the contact details of mediators on the following pages:

We would like to point out that you may only refer your dispute to this mediator after an attempt has first been made to resolve the dispute amicably on the basis of a written complaint made to our administrative & legal team, which you can contact by e-mail: caroline@caumont-interiors.com.

16.3. Any dispute that cannot be resolved amicably and/or through mediation will be submitted to the competent court of Singapore, notwithstanding any contrary provisions mentioned on the purchase order or in the correspondence of the purchaser. The abovementioned provision applies regardless of the place of delivery in the world.

16.4. Any order automatically implies the buyer’s acceptance of our General Terms and Conditions of Sale. The applicable law shall be the laws of Singapore.


CAUMONT INTERIORS reserves the right to modify the content of this legal notice at any time and without prior notice.

The user acknowledges having read this legal notice and undertakes to comply with it.


To check for updates to these conditions, please consult this page regularly.